Xingqiu Build Guide (Patch 4.5)

Xingqiu’s Role and Skills
Xingqiu is an off-field Hydro DPS that puts out a lot of damage from his Burst (Q) and gives the fastest Hydro aura application to date. In fact, Xingqiu’s fast Hydro application makes him a crucial pairing for Pyro carries. He enables character such as Hutao to vaporize every one of her Charge attacks.
His Skill (E) comes with a high damage multiplier and gets even deadlier at C4 (Damage increased by a multiplicative 50% when Q active) and a Sacrificial Sword. Xingqiu’s high Hydro application and damage makes him a crucial character in terms of meta.
Artifact set
Emblem of Severed Fate (4)
Emblem set would be Xinqiu’s best artifact since you’ll be building him for ER anyways and the set will give him more damage for it.
The only caveat is that if you have him below 130% ER, then it falls behind other sets.
Noblesse Oblige (4)
Offers party-wide ATK boost, Xingqiu can use this set if nobody else on the party is able to use it better. If someone else is already using the Noblesse then Xinqiu should switch to a different set.
Nymph’s Dream (4)
Noblesse Oblige (2) 15% Hydro DMG set (2)
+18% ATK set (2) Emblem of Severed Fate (2)
Any of these choices is decent if you don’t have any other option. These sets might be preferred if Xingqiu has low ER requirements (<120%) and the artifacts have good substats. Since the difference between them is small, pick the combination with the best substats.
The full Nymph set is better on Xingqiu is he is on-field, otherwise it performs similarly with the 2pc mix combos. The set still lesser than a full Emblem even if you’re playing him on-field.
Blizzard Strayer (4)
A full Blizzard is about 10% better than Emblem in Freeze-based teams since he can mildly disregard Crit Rate and build Crit Damage for more damage. However, because it is useless outside of this scenario, it is not recommended to specifically farm for this set.
Primordial Jade Cutter (5✩)
Jade Cutter is Xingqiu’s best weapon as it provides a high CRIT Rate and an HP to Flat ATK conversion that increases his damage output.
Mistsplitter Reforged (5✩)
Though only 1 stack of Mistplitter’s passive is consistently achieved, the CRIT DMG secondary stat makes the weapon a formidable option on Xingqiu.
Becomes moderately better if Xingqiu attacks on-field with an Elemental Infusion.
Any 5-star Sword (5✩)
Any 5-star option would be a decent option since they can act as a stat stick for Xinqiu. The fact that Xinqiu benefits from offensive stat (ATK, Crit & Elemental DMG) and ER makes a lot of 5-star weapon open for him.
Wolf-Fang (4✩)
Wolf-Fang is Xingqiu’s best 4-star weapon as it provides a huge offensive damage buff whenever he uses E and Q. At R5 it gives a whopping 32% DMG boost and 4% Crit Rate stacking up to 16% for both his E and Q though Xingqiu generally won’t be hitting max stacks.
Favonius Sword (4✩)
The energy particles Favonius sword provides to teammates is a useful support option and may lead Favonius to be better than the options above.
Sacrificial Sword (4✩)
Sacrificial is only recommended if you have it to R3 as anything before that the weapon is too inconsistent. It allows him to cast E twice and lower his ER requirement however the weapon also extends rotation lengths leading to an overall loss in DPS.
Burst (Q) > Skill (E)
You should always prioritize Xingqiu’s Q over anything else since its the source of his damage and Hydro application for his team.
Main stat and substat
Sand: Energy Recharge OR ATK%
Goblet: Hydro DMG
Circlet: Crit Rate / DMG
- Energy Recharge
- Crit Rate / DMG
- ATK%
In terms of substats, you should prioritize ER until Xingqiu can comfortably Burst every rotation before going into offensive stats. There is no point having huge damage if he cannot use his Q.
Energy Recharge Requirements
- Solo Hydro: ~280%
- 2 Hydro: ~240%
- With Raiden: ~180%
- With Favonius: Decreases ER by -40%
- With Sacrificial: Decreases ER by -80%
C2 > C4 > C6

Hutao Double Hydro Vape:
Xingqiu / Yelan / Hutao / Sucrose

Xingqiu / Nahida / Yaoyao / Kuki Shinobu

Raiden National:
Kazuha / Fischl / Xingqiu / Beidou

Xingqiu / Fischl / Kazuha / Beidou