Mavuika Build Guide

Mavuika’s Role and Skills
Mavuika is Natlan’s Pyro Archon that uses her bike as a weapon to smash enemies with. What sets her apart is that her Burst is not dependent on energy but instead, on “Fighting Spirit”. Fighting Spirit can be gained through:
- Nightsoul points consumed by party members are converted into Fighting Spirit during combat
- When party members hit enemies with Normal Attack (NA), its is converted into Fighting Spirit. 1.5 Fighting Spirit can be gained every 0.1s.
Its important to note that the 2nd method of generating Fighting Spirit (using NA) is not efficient hence why you’ll wanna run her in a Natlan team. You also wanna build Mavuika’s team for optimal Fighting Spirit generation since her Burst accounts for a huge part of her damage regardless of her role.
Artifact set
Obsidian Codex (4)
This is universally Mavuika’s best artifact set since it gives a huge 40% Crit Rate buff simply by consuming Nightsoul points. Although she doesn’t consume any Nightsoul points during her Burst, using her Skill (E) right before her Burst (Q) is enough to activate the set.
This is true for both main and sub DPS build Mavuika.
Marechaussee Hunter (4)
If you have Furina in a main DPS Mavuika’s team, the MH set would be her second best option. Furina’s E that drains everyone HP will easily activate the 4pc buff giving Mavuika 36% Crit Rate.
Coincidentally Mavuika also benefits from 2pc +15% buff on Normal Attack (NA) and Charged Attack (CA) since she does a lot of NA and CA during her Burst state.
Scroll of Hero of Cinder City (4)
For sub DPS Mavuika, if there is nobody in the team using the Cinder City set, then naturally this would be her best option due to the team-wide buffs she can provide.
Gilded Dreams (4)
2nd best option for a sub DPS Mavuika on a Vape team. This is because she would be Vaping a lot of her E attacks while off-field triggering the set buff.
A Thousand Blazing Suns (5âś©)
Mavuika’s signature
No surprise Mavuika’s signature weapon is her best by a long-shot due to its tailored-made passive.
On top of having Crit Rate as its secondary stat, its passive increases CRIT DMG +20% and ATK +28% whenever she uses her Skill or Burst. Although the duration is only 6s, it does not run down when she’s off-field and can increase by 2s after her NA or CA deal Elemental DMG.
This effectively means that she can maintain a 100% uptime on her weapon passive buff.
Beacon of the Reed Sea (5âś©)
Second best weapon for main DPS Mavuika due to its massive Crit Rate secondary stat and passive that can be proc easily by her.
Serpent Spine (5âś©)
SS is pretty much Mavuika’s Best-in-Slot (BiS) 4-star weapon due to its high Crit Rate and up to 50% more DMG (at R5) from its passive. The only caveat is that she can’t take any damage if you wanna maintain the stacks from the weapon passive.
Mailed Flower (4âś©)
Mailed Flower is Mavuika best ‘F2P’ weapon mainly because she benefits heavily from the Elemental Mastery and ATK that the weapon provides. It also helps that its passive is easily triggered whenever she uses her E or proc an Elemental reaction.
Any 5-star weapon (5âś©)
Technically, any 5-star weapon with Crit DMG&Rate as its secondary stat is already great for Mavuika since she’s a main DPS. Bonus points if she can utilize or easily proc its passive buff.
Burst (Q) > Skill (E)
Mavuika’s E talent raises both off- and on-field damage (bike NA & CA scale from Skill (E), not from her NA talent). Burst (Q) levels improve her nuke damage and her self-buffs during Burst state. Design-wise Mavuika is intended to use her NA claymore attacks. Her bike NA and CA are from her E so there shouldn’t be a reason to even upgrade her NA talent.
Stat and substat

Sand: ATK% / EM

Goblet: Pyro DMG

Circlet: Crit Rate & DMG
- Crit Rate & DMG
- ATK%
- Elemental Mastery
- Flat ATK
Mavuika is the first character in the game that doesn’t want any ER since her Burst (Q) uses Fighting Spirit. Thus you should treat ER as a dead stat, heck even DEF or HP rolls are better since she actually would be able to use them.
C1 > C2 > C6