Nilou Build Guide (Patch 3.5)

Bloom Nilou | |
Tenacity of the Milelith (2) |
Sands - HP% |
Nilou’s Role and Skills
Nilou is a Hydro character designed around Bloom. Her A1 Passive will upgrade the Dendro Cores from Bloom reaction into Bountiful Cores. These Bountiful Cores will explode faster and do more damage making it the main source of her damage.
Nilou is by far one of the most restrictive characters in terms of team building and play style. Essentially, she is a Hydro unit focused on being a Bloom enabler for a team that would comprise of ONLY Hydro and Dendro characters. Its bloom or doom with Nilou.
This restriction comes primarily from her A1 and A4 passive that gives and buffs her Bountiful Cores damage. Bountiful Cores are stronger version of the normal Dendro Cores in which they explode quicker and have larger radius. To recap on what Dendro Cores are, its basically the green seeds that form on the battlefield as a result of Bloom reaction (Dendro + Hydro).
Building Nilou
Firstly, run her in a strict Dendro + Hydro comp only. Secondly, Nilou was designed to do big Bloom damage through her Bountiful Cores. So unless you’re trying out a niche build, these 2 should be a hard prerequisite when figuring out which team she goes with. Lastly, stat and substat wise, focus on increasing her HP as much as possible then only EM. This is due to a couple of reasons:
- High HP will increase the damage of Bountiful Cores
- Her E and Q damage scale based on HP
- Nilou will remain off-field majority of the time
- Optimally, a Dendro teammate would be the trigger for Bloom, so build that character for EM instead.
- Due to the frantic nature of a Bloom team comp, Nilou sometimes can be the trigger for Bloom, so make sure that she has a fair bit of EM from substats.
Her best Dendro teammate by far is Nahida simply because she has a high Dendro application, scales based on EM and has off-field presence.
Artifact set
Tenacity of the Millelith (2)
Vourukasha’s Glow (2)
Nilou’s Best-in-Slot (BiS) artifact as it allows her to reach the HP cap on her A4 Passive easily. The combo gives a total of 40% HP and its the only way to maximize HP% from artifacts.
20% HP set (2)
80 EM set (2)
Her 2nd best option as she can utilize the 80EM to increase her Bloom reaction damage.
Vourukasha’s Glow (4)
If you have a C6 Nilou this would “technically” be her best set since it offers the most team-wide DPS by increasing her Skill (E) / Burst (Q) damage. It enables her to hit more than 1M damage from vaping her Burst (Q) due to its high multiplier.
If you don’t play Vape but have a decent Crit ratio for Nilou’s C2, you can also use this set to play hybrid on-field Nilou where she does Bloom damage and also damage from her E & Q.
Key of Khaj-Nisut (5✩)
Nilou’s Best-in-Slot (BiS) due to its high HP% stat and HP% from its passive.
Easily the best weapon for Nilou and her entire team as it provides huge HP to Nilou and additional EM Buffs to Nilou and her teammates.
The Dockhand’s Assistant (4✩)
Only available through event weapon banner, but is her 2nd strongest option. One of the only other option to find a sword with HP% stat besides Nilou’s Signature weapon.
Also gives Nilou EM and Energy through stacks from its passive, although the uptime and consistency isn’t reliable since the stacks aren’t really obtained until later in fights.
Xiphos’ Moonlight (4✩)
A decent option since it provdes EM and ER to Nilou and her team which helps increase the explosion damage from her Bountiful Cores.
Iron Sting (4✩)
Toukabou Shigure (4✩)
Best F2P weapon for Nilou as it gives her a lot of EM, which helps increase the Bountiful Cores explosion even if it’s not as ideal as HP%.
Unfortunately the Toukabou Shigure (4✩) can only be acquired from Akitsu Kimodameshi Event that has ended.
Max Nilou to Lvl 90 > Skill (E) > Burst (Q)
Burst (Q) > Skill (E)
For Bloom Nilou, Talent levels do not affect Nilou’s buff to Bloom damage, so heavy investment in Talents is not necessary. For a C6 Vape Nuke, Burst (Q) would be her top priority since it brings the highest multiplier. For a niche Crit Hybrid build, its similar to Bloom Nilou since her primary source of damage is still from Bloom.
Main stat and substat
Sand: HP%
Goblet: HP%
Circlet: HP%
- HP%
- Flat HP
- Elemental Mastery
- Energy Recharge
- Crit Rate / DMG
Stat-wise Nilou prefers HP stats above all else until you reach the limit of your A4 passive which is at 74,444 HP.
Energy Recharge Requirements
- Kokomi & Double Hydro: 100%
- Kokomi & Triple Hydro: 100%
- Barbara & Double Hydro: ~130%
- Barbara & Triple Hydro: ~110%
It is generally recommended to only Burst (Q) every other rotation since it isn’t Nilou’s primary source of damage. Hence the calculations above all for every other rotation ONLY.
C1 > C2 > C6

Nilou / Nahida / Kokomi / Baizhu

Nilou / Nahida / Kokomi / Kirara

Nilou / Collei / Barbara / Traveler