Lyney Build Guide (Patch 4.0)

DPS Lyney | |
Marechaussee Hunter (4) |
Sands - ATK |
Mono Pyro |
Lyney’s Role and Skills
Lyney is a pyro DPS bow character that uses his Charged Attacks (CA) as his primary source of damage similar to Ganyu. Every time you uses his CA, it build stacks for his Elemental Skill (E) while also summoning a Hat on the field to taunt enemies. His E basically does an AOE Pyro DMG and its damage is based upon the stacks you have. Lyney’s Burst (Q) is pretty much just another nuke AOE Pyro DMG with the gimmick of moving around the battlefield in a giant hat dealing tickle damage to whomever it touches. The only caveat is that it also grants one stack after it ends.
Because of his stack mechanic and how it affects the DMG of his E, you’ll ideally want to use his E at the end of Lyney’s rotation. In theory, you’ll use CAs and then his Q to maximize building stacks. Then right before his Q ends, you’ll use E before switching out.
How To Build Lyney
One very important part of Lyney’s kit is his Ascension 4 (A4) passive where it massively buffs his DMG towards pyro-affected enemies by 60% while each pyro characters in his team would also give him another 20% DMG buff. Needless to say, this incentives Lyney to be run on a mono pyro team as any reaction based comp would lose this passive.
Stat wise, Lyney follows a traditional DPS route where you’ll wanna prioritize Crit Rate / DMG above anything else.
Artifact set
Marechaussee Hunter (4)
By far Lyney’s best artifact set, Marechaussee Hunter provides 36% CRIT Rate at full stacks along with a 15% Charge Attack DMG Bonus.
Lavawalker (4)
Consistent set for Lyney that pairs well with his A4 since he would most probably be run in a mono pyro team.
Vermillion Hereafter (4)
4pc Vermillion Hereafter should only be used if Lyney can use his Burst every rotation. 4pc Vermillion Hereafter provides ATK% through a slow ramping passive that works off of Lyney’s HP-consuming play style. 4pc Vermillion is slightly stronger than 4pc Lavawalker but due to its restrictive playstyle, generally not recommended.
With this set, Lyney should start his rotation with his Burst.
Mixed Set (2+2)
Includes any combination of: 2pc Crimson Witch of Flames, 2pc Marechausee Hunter, and 2pc +18% ATK sets.
All of these combinations perform similarly on Lyney, so players should use the combination with the best substats.
The First Great Magic (5✩)
Tailor-made for Lyney, The First Great Magic provides CRIT DMG% and CA DMG%, as well as ATK% that increases with each additional Pyro unit in Lyney’s team. It is his BiS even in teams with only 2 Pyro units (including Lyney himself).
Amos’ Bow (5✩)
Amos’ Bow is a decent choice for Lyney with a ramping buff to Charged Attacks based on how long they fly for. However, it is currently unknown if Grim-Malkin Hats are capable of receiving this passive effect.
Aqua Simulacra
Thundering Pulse (5✩)
Aqua’s passive is slightly dubious for Lyney given that his Charged Attack playstyle allows him to maintain distance from enemies, and Thundering Pulse’s stacking passive is entirely useless, but they are nonetheless his strongest weapons after TFGM just by being 5-star bows with a CRIT DMG% secondary stat. Aqua pulls ahead slightly if its passive is maintained; otherwise, TPulse is slightly stronger.
Song of Stillness (4✩)
The recommended 4-star weapon of choice for consistency. SoS’s ceiling is slightly lower than Prototype Crescent when accounting for refines, but it is more reliable than its craftable counterpart.
Prototype Crescent (4✩)
An alternative to SoS but only if players can reliably trigger its passive. At max refinement and with its passive active, PC has the highest ceiling of any 4-star weapon for Lyney (not by much), but it suffers massively without its passive.
Normal Attack (NA) > Skill (E) ~= Burst (Q)
As a Charged Attack-based DPS, most of his damage comes from his Prop Arrows and his Grim-Malkin Hats, both of which scale from the Normal Attack Talent. The priority of his Skill Talent and Burst Talent depends on if Lyney intends to use his Burst every rotation. If you Burst every rotation, prioritize the Burst Talent. If you Burst every other rotation (or less often), prioritize the Skill Talent.
Main stat & substat
Sand: ATK%
Goblet: Pyro DMG%
Circlet: Crit Rate / DMG
- Crit Rate / DMG
- ATK%
- Flat ATK
- Energy Recharge
With 4pc Marechaussee Hunter, Lyney’s Circlet should be CRIT DMG, as Marechaussee Hunter’s 4pc set bonus already provides a lot of CRIT Rate.
Substat wise, Lyney’s teams already have a plethora of ATK buffs, so CRIT Rate/DMG substats are the best for his personal damage. ER% should only be prioritized if it makes the difference of Lyney using his Burst every rotation.