Kirara Build Guide (Patch 4.5)

Kirara’s Role and Skills

Kirara is a HP-scaling Dendro shielder that can continuously apply Dendro when she’s in her cat-in-a-box state. She is primarily used for her shielding capability and Dendro aura application as her personal damage is too weak to be impactful.

Her Elementall Skill (E) on Tap does a Dendro kick before giving her a shield. Whereas on Hold, Kirara enters the Urgent Neko Parcel state where she’s essentially a cat in a box that moves around dealing Dendro DMG. Her Burst (Q) is pretty straightforward in which it does an AOE damage before leaving Dendro mines on the field that explodes upon contact with enemy.

Artifact set

Tenacity of the Millelith Flower
Tenacity of the Millelith (2)
Vourukasha’s Glow (2)

Tenacity and Vorukasha combo is the best option if you want to maximize Kirara’s shield strength. It doesn’t provide any additional buffing utility but it does make up for an unconditional +40% HP for her.

Instructor (4)

While worse for shield strength, the Instructor set is a great option when using Kirara in Aggravate teams for the team wide 120 EM buff.

Tenacity of the Millelith FlowerTenacity of the Millelith (4)

Enables the strongest possible shield if using Kirara’s full Hold Skill. 4TotM also grants a teamwide ATK% buff that can be snapshot by teammates.
Only recommended if you intent to play Kirara on-field. For off-field, it has lackluster uptime on the passive.

Deepwood Memories FlowerDeepwood Memories (4)

A must-have for teams triggering Spread or Bloom reactions. Although off-field Kirara may not have the most consistent uptime with the 4pc set effect, she can still hold 4DW if no one else can.

Noblesse Oblige FlowerNoblesse Oblige (4)

If the team benefits from the ATK% buff and Kirara can Burst every rotation, Noblesse is a viable option.


Key of Khaj-Nisut (5✩)

Kirara’s best weapon since it is currently the only HP% secondary stat Sword. It allows for maximum shield strength, and its team buff is useful as well. It is recommended to stay in the Urgent Neko Parcel state long enough to gain maximum Key stacks.

Favonius Sword (4✩)

Generally, Favonius is her most recommended weapon as it can provide more utility by generating particles for her team and decreasing her ER. This would however require you to invest into her Crit Rate for it to to reliably proc.

Sapwood Blade (4✩)

Kirara’s best ‘F2P’ craftable option, which provides ER to her and an EM buff to teammates who picks up the leaf generated from the weapon’s passive.

Sacrificial Sword (4✩)

Sacrificial Sword increases Kirara’s battery capabilities by allowing her to generate more Energy particles. Also makes it easier for Kirara to gain maximum stacks from her A1 Passive.



Skill (E) > Burst (Q)

Kirara’s shielding capabilities is from her E hence you should prioritize that talent first before her Q. Although both her E and Q doesn’t do much damage, they do provide additional Dendro application.

Main stat and substat

Sand: HP%
Goblet: HP%
Circlet: HP% / Crit Rate%

  1. HP%
  2. Flat HP
  3. Crit Rate
  4. Energy Recharge

Crit Rate is important for Kirara if you intend to run her with Favonius as you’ll want to reliably proc its passive. Aside from that, she should just focus on HP% since that would affect her shield strength.

Energy Recharge Requirements

  • Solo Dendro: ~160%
  • Solo Dendro, Electro Resonance: ~130%
  • Double Dendro: ~110%
  • On-field Kirara: ~100%

Kirara’s ER requirements are generally low and can be met easily with an ER weapon and some ER substats. However, it is still viable to forgo ER and use her Burst every other rotation; this allows for more stat allocation towards her shielding, since her Burst is not very significant to team damage.

On-field Kirara’s ER requirements will vary depending on the team but can be as low as ~100%.


C3 > C4 > C6



Kirara / Nilou / Nahida / Kokomi


Kirara/ Keqing / Fischl / Kazuha

Yae Miko

Kirara / Yae Miko / Furina / Tighnari