Arlecchino Build Guide

Arlecchino’s Role and Skills
Arlecchino aka “Father” is a Pyro DPS with a kit that revolves around the Bond of Life mechanic. She gains a huge Normal Attack (NA) buff and Pyro infusion when her Bond of Life reaches a certain threshold and both her Skill (E) and Burst (Q) help build towards that.
Her Elemental Skill (E) dashes her forward into an AOE Pyro slash and apply Blood Debt onto enemies. Blood Debt applies DoT onto enemy and when Arle uses Charged Attack she converts the Blood Debt into Bond of Life. Simultaneously after Arlecchino’s E, her Bond of Life is cleared and converted into self healing hence why she’ll need to utilize Blood Debt to rebuild her Bond of Life.
How Bond of Life (BoL) works
In Genshin, Bond of Life is where a character cannot receive any healing until the Bond is fulfilled. If a character with a Bond of Life is being healed, the healing will go towards the Bond before the character can receive any healing. In simpler terms, Bond of Life is a HP debt so you won’t get any healing until the debt is settled.
Artifact set
Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy (4)
New 4.6 artifact
Arlecchino Best in Slot (BiS) artifact is a new 4.6 set designed specifically for Bond of Life users. At max stack, the artifact can give up to 54% DMG increases. Its stack is increased whenever the Bond of Life of the wielder changes.
The domain will be accessible after the 4.6 patch hence it is recommended to hold of farming till then.
Gladiator’s Finale (4)
A full Gladiator set would be her 2nd best option since she uses a lot of NA when her Bond of Life reaches its threshold.
The set is calculated to be only 6% lower than her best option since it buffs NA damage by 35% on top of a 18% ATK.
Crimson Witch (4)
Crimson With can be a strong choice if Arlecchino relies a lot on Pyro reaction for damage. The set gives a good balance between personal damage and Pyro reaction buff.
The full set will give a 40% damage increase for Overload and Burning and the 2 piece +15% Pyro damage buff can further increase if the user can spam E within a short period.
Marechaussee Hunter (4)
MH can be a viable option if you run her with Furina. It provides a huge 36% Crit Rate buff whenever the user’s HP fluctuates and this is possible with Furina’s E.
Crimson Moon’s Semblance (5✩)
Arle’s scythe
Arlecchino’s signature polearm changes into a scythe when wielded by her. The scythe change is exclusively for Arle and no other characters possess the ability.
The polearm/scythe is an offensive weapon with Crit Rate stats and niche passive that only buffs users with Bond of Life. It grants Bond of Life by 25% of user HP when Charged Attack hits an enemy and gives additional DMG increase when the user has Bond of Life. Theorycraft calculations put it at 20% above other options.
Primordial Jade Winged-Spear (5✩)
Early theorycrafting predicts PJWS to be Arle’s 2nd best weapon due to its high base ATK and ATK buff from its passive. She can also maintain maximum stacks on its passive buff since she uses NA a lot.
Staff of Homa (5✩)
Homa is a good option due to its high Crit DMG stat on top of a passive that universally benefit anyone. It loses to PJWS due to the fact that it doesn’t provide as much ATK stat compared to PJWS.
Deathmatch (4✩)
Deathmatch is theorycrafted to be Arlecchino’s best 4-star polearm if you’re building her for raw damage or if she’s not dependent on any Pyro reaction. Its Crit Rate stat and ATK buff from its passive makes it a great option since she scales better with ATK.
Blackcliff Pole (4✩)
Similar to Deathmatch, this is a great option due to offensive nature from its Crit DMG stat and ATK buff from its passive whenever an enemy is defeated. If you’re building her for raw damage and not reaction-based, this could be one of her better option.
Dragon’s Bane (4✩)
If Arlecchino is reliant on Pyro reaction for damage and needs a lot of EM then this is easily one of her best weapon. It’s one of the few choices for EM polearms and provides a hefty 221 EM as a stat.
White Tassel (3✩)
At R5, White Tassel is Arle’s best ‘F2P’ weapon due to its Crit Rate stat and NA damage buff from its passive. Its one of the few weapons that fits Arle’s kit perfectly and make it a great option for F2P players.
At max refinements, it beats many other 4-star polearms.
Normal Attack (NA) > Skill (E) > Burst (Q)
Burst (Q) > Normal Attack (NA) > Skill (E)
Arlecchino’s NA will be the main source of her damage hence it will take priority first. Her Q does AOE nuke damage and healing so it will come in second.
At C6, its recommended to go for Nuke Arle build as her Q will have a massive damage increase. Thus C6 Arle will prioritize her Burst (Q).
Arle’s E exists only to infuse Blood Debt onto enemies which would be converted to Bond of Life hence its the least important of them all.
Main stat and substat
Sand: ATK%
Goblet: Pyro DMG% / ATK%
Circlet: Crit Rate / DMG
- Crit Rate / DMG
- ATK%
- Flat ATK
- Elemental Mastery
- Energy Recharge
Arlecchino is a traditional ATK scaling DPS character so her build will prioritize Crit and ATK stat. She also benefit from having teammates such as Bennett who provides ATK buffs.
Energy Recharge Requirements
- Pyro battery & Favonius: 100%
- Solo Pyro (Arle only) & Favonius: ~120%
- Solo Pyro (Arle only) & No Favonius: ~130%
Becuase Arle’s Bond of Life (BoL) carries over meaning that you can keep increasing your damage every rotation, you only Burst (Q) when necessary. So technically her Q is only there as an emergency switch and AOE damage. This means that there is no need to Q every rotation, especially when you have a shielder.
C2 > C4 > C6
Arlechinno Rotation & Combo
E > Support and Sub DPS > CA > 3xNA5 > NA1 > E > Q
3xNA5 = 5xNormal Attacks then 5xNormal Attacks then 5xNormal Attacks. You don’t use the 6th NA.
- Arle doesn’t loose her Pyro infusion when you swap character
- Burst (Q) isn’t an obligation, use her only if you need healing. You’ll keep more BoL for the next rotation if you don’t use Q.
- Her 6th NA has the highest damage multiplier but optimally the NA5 is better for Bond of Life (BoL) management and overall DPS.

Arlecchino/ Xingqiu / Kazuha / Bennett

Arlecchino/ Chevreuse C6 / Fischl / Bennett

Double Hydro:
Arlecchino / Xingqiu / Yelan / Bennett