Albedo build guide
Mono Geo Albedo | |
Husk of Opulent Dreams (4) |
Sands - DEF |
Albedo functions as an off-field DPS character that synergies well in most geo team. His Elemental skill (E), Solar Isotoma deals extra damage when enemies within its AOE takes damage. This happens once every 2 seconds and have 67% chance of generating one geo particle, though realistically it will only happen every ~2.5 seconds due to frequency of most attacks. Its elevator mechanic exists purely for novelty and have no actual application at least in a meta standpoint. This put Albedo’s Burst (Q) in a weird spot as he does not generate enough energy by himself hence why his optimal comp is within a mono-geo team.
Strongest Albedo-Geo team
Albedo strengths lies in the fact that he has a strong off-field presence while dealing respectable damage. Because of his low energy generation in his (E) skill and the damage advantage of geo resonance, ideally you’ll want to pair him up with another geo character that takes advantage of his off-field presence while also providing him with energy.

Albedo-Noelle pair?
Albedo and Noelle typically don’t synergy that well together due to a few reasons. First, Noelle does not generate enough geo particles for herself and him. This put them both in an awkward spot since they need another geo battery. Secondly, Noelle’s high burst uptime means that she will occupy the field far too long de-syncing her rotation with Albedo and the other 2 supports. Ideally when you’re running Noelle Albedo pair needs to be supported with other Geo supports such as Gorou, Yunjin or Zhongli.
- Skill (E)
- Burst (Q)
- Primordial Jade Cutter (5✩) ~= Cinnabar Spindle (4✩) [R5]*
- Harbinger of Dawn (3✩) ~= Mistsplitter Reforged (5✩)*
- Freedom-Sworn (5✩)*
- Husk of Opulent Dreams (4)*
- Husk of Opulent Dreams (2) Archaic Petra (2)
- Archaic Petra (2) Noblesse Oblige (2)
- Tenacity of the Millelith (4)*
- Noblesse Oblige (4)*
Main Stat
- Sands – DEF%
- Goblet – Geo DMG / DEF%
- Circlet – Crit Rate / DMG / DEF%
- Crit Rate / DMG
- DEF%
- Energy Recharge
- Flat DEF
Albedo’s E particle generation is completely RNG like Zhongli, but with better odds.
Albedo is a character that can summon a Geo Construct from his Elemental Skill which deals damage on a 2 second interval whenever enemies in the field are damaged. His Elemental Burst provides 125 EM to the party, which is good on teams that rely on amplification reactions, such as Vaporize. It is worth noting that since his stat priority is focused on DEF (Elemental Skill scaling), you might want to skip casting Elemental Burst if your team doesn’t benefit from the 125 EM buff. Another option is to build him with ATK-DEF Hybrid, which ends up with lower Skill damage but higher Burst damage.
Regarding Weapon Choices:
Primordial Jade Cutter: On a Hybrid build where Albedo casts his Elemental Burst, this weapon can be a better option than Cinnabar Spindle on certain situations, such as AoE where Albedo’s Burst hits multiple enemies or when there are external ATK buffs like Bennett’s Burst. On a pure Elemental Skill focused Albedo or Single Target situations for Hybrid Albedo, Cinnabar Spindle is the better option, so choose wisely.
Harbinger of Dawn: Albedo’s Elemental Skill scales with Defense, which is why the Base ATK from the weapon doesn’t matter that much. Harbinger of Dawn offers a lot of Crit stats which is why it is one of the strongest weapons for him despite being a 3 star weapon. The downside of this weapon is that you’d need to keep Albedo’s HP at 90% or higher to benefit from the passive, so it might be annoying to use against certain enemies which has a HP lowering debuff, even when off-field, such as Corrosion.
Mistsplitter Reforged: Realistically you are only able to get 2 stacks of this weapon’s passive and this requires setup. Generally just use Harbinger of Dawn instead and give your Mistsplitter Reforged to another sword DPS character.
Freedom-Sworn: Equipping this weapon will decrease Albedo’s own damage significantly but he is one of the better Freedom-Sworn holders since he can trigger the passive quite easily to buff your other party members.
Regarding Artifact Sets:
Husk of Opulent Dreams (4): Due to Albedo’s skill snapshotting upon cast, you need to either wait ~12 seconds before starting a domain/fight to reach max stacks or recast his skill to benefit from the DEF and Geo DMG bonus provided by the 4 piece set effect.
Tenacity of the Milelith (4): This set is used for the 4 piece set effect which has good uptime on Albedo. Worth noting that this set decreases your Elemental Skill damage by a lot if compared to the other offensive sets.
Noblesse Oblige (4): If you don’t have another character in your party that has this set, you can use this set on Albedo. You might want to get some Energy Recharge substats to maintain your Elemental Burst uptime for this. It is also worth noting that this set decreases your Elemental Skill damage by a lot if compared to the other offensive sets.